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About Dr. Agnes Rwashana Semwanga
As the Project Gender Focal Person, Dr. Agnes Rwashana Semwanga will assist the Project coordinator in managing all the gender aspects of the project. Having been the first graduate in the PhD Computer Science program at Makerere University – She has spearheaded the mentoring and guidance of female undergraduate, graduate students and staff in Computing. Dr. Semwanga has participated in activities of the University’s Directorate of Gender Mainstreaming and engendering initiatives by the Department of Women and Gender Studies. For this project, she will work closely with the Department to integrate gender aspects in the programmes.
Agnes is the Deputy Principal for the College of Computing and Information Sciences. She holds a PhD (Computer Science), MSc. in Computer Science, BSc. Education (Mathematics, Chemistry) all from Makerere University, Uganda.
She started her lecturing career in Makerere University in 2004 and is currently a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Information Systems where she teaches courses in Information Systems and majors in modeling and simulation. Agnes worked as a Visiting Lecturer in Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) and has participated in the development and revision of curricula for the Bachelors, Masters and PhD in Information Systems for CoCIS as well as other units such as the Uganda Management Institute (Distance Learning Program) and the PhD Program in Agriculture and Rural Innovation for the former Faculty of Agriculture, Makerere University.
She has served as an external examiner both locally (Uganda Christian University -UCU and Islamic University in Uganda -IUIU) and in the region at the Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology (NM-AIST), Arusha, Tanzania.
Agnes previously headed the Department of Information Systems from (April 2009 to Feb 2011) and has been a Field Attachment Coordinator (2011 and 2013). She is an active research member of the Development Informatics Research Group at the School of Computing and IT and together with faculty has participated in the winning of several grants from WHO, NORHED among others.
Her main areas of research are: Information Systems, Simulation and Modeling, Health Informatics, System Dynamics, ICT for Gender and Sustainable Development. She has supervised several students both at undergraduate and graduate level. Agnes has conducted various research resulting in publications in reputable international journals and books and also presented papers in several conferences.
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- Folutpat tempor tur duis mattis felis pellentesque suscipit ipsum.
- Folutpat tempor tur duis mattis felis pellentesque suscipit ipsum.
- Folutpat tempor tur duis mattis felis pellentesque suscipit ipsum.
- Folutpat tempor tur duis mattis felis pellentesque suscipit ipsum.
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- Nulla auctor quam nec quam convallis. Donec quam leone.
- Nulla auctor quam nec quam convallis. Donec quam leone.