Postal Address:
PO Box 97845 Baker st. 567, Los Angeles, California, US.
About Emmanuel Kondela
1. Research topic: Towards Reliable and Robust Communication Link(s) For Automatic Weather Station: A Case Study From Tanzania
2. Research questions:
i. What kind of communication link(s) is/are currently used in existing and planned weather stations?
ii. What are the opportunities and challenges under each of the identified and possible communication link(s)?
iii. Which factor(s) affecting communication link(s) in between local stations and central repository?
iv. How communication link(s) varies/vary over time and what level of stability can be expected?
3. Supervisors
i. Dr. Julianne Sansa-Otim, College of Computing and Information Sciences, Makerere University
ii. Dr. Amos Nungu, Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology
iii. Prof. Bjorn Pehrson, Prof Emeritus, KTH, Sweden