I saac Mugume, a PhD student sponsored by the WIMEA-ICT project participated in the Consortium for Small-scale Modeling (COSMO) training that took place in Germany from February 14-23, 2016.
His study research is mainly on Numerical Weather Predications. COSMO is a Numerical Weather and Climate Model used operationally at the Germany Weather Service and. It is also used in some parts of Europe like Romania as a non-hydrostatic numerical model, solving the hydrothermodynamic equations of the atmosphere in order to give a weather prediction.
This training was organized for users and researchers employing COSMO by the German Weather Service. Isaac participated in this training that took place in Langen by carrying out some weather experiments of Uganda. You can read additional information concerning this at this link: https:// mugumeisaac.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/cosmo_training_report.pdf